Friday, October 8, 2010


A concept that I found useful is the Slippery Slope Argument from chapter 6. It is a bad argument that uses a chain of conditionals; one may be doubtful or false. The reason why I found this useful to identify is because so many people unknowingly use them. These people can even include parents! In regards to my mother, it is a cultural thing. Being an Asian American, I find my mom's culture difficult to understand. I was born and raised here in San Jose and my mom was raised in the Philippines. Our cultures clash and during one of our many arguments, I found her using a Slippery Slope Argument. Back when she was a teenager, dating was unheard of. "You could not date until you were married", my dad would always joke about. But when I started dating, my mom a little hesitant at first about giving me more freedom to go out. To her, dating young was not something to be encouraged because she grew up believing that it would embarrass the family. She believed that if you dated, you would get pregnant, and you would have to give up school. The reason why this is a slippery slope argument is because dating does not automatically mean pregnancy. And pregnancy does not always mean you become a high school dropout. I am so glad my dad understands the younger generation's culture because if he did not, my mom would not have changed her outlook on dating.

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