Thursday, September 16, 2010

Not That Interesting...

but it's something that can relate to me so why not talk about it? It's from the Group Communication text and it specifically has to do with Relationships between Superiors and Subordinates. The text talks about how most conversations between managers and employees are work-related. They are conversations like how to do certain tasks, work ethic, etc. The reason why I wanted to talk about this is because when I talk to my bosses, about 60% of the conversations are work-related while the other 40% just has to do with personal interests. One of the most talked about work-related things are rude customers and the stupid/funny things they do-this does have to do with work in general because for my jobs, it's all about customers. But once in awhile, we talk about our personal lives/interests. The section in the text also talks about how mostly employees speak to one another. This is continuing to increase because many workplaces put employees in teams or they work with one another as opposed to working alone. Communication is key when conversing with other co-workers as well as with superiors.


  1. NDSJ91-
    I totally agree with what you posted in your blog. Even though I have a good relationship with my boss, we only talk about work related things. If we do go off regular topic, it usual is very general and she does not as too many personal questions. I kind of like it because I do not want her to know everything about my life. On the other hand, I am very close with my coworkers because I swam with them since I was little and went to high school with a few of them so our conversations are a bit more personal. Thanks for the post!

  2. I liked your post because you actually said that you did not find what you read interesting. And instead you talked about how it relates to you. I liked how you explained what that section in the book was talking about. What they stated in the book is true most boss and employees talk about work related things. You might find some people who talk about other things that are not work related but that is very rare. When bosses and employees only talk about work that is kind of a good thing because then neither of the people would be in each others business.
