Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Difficult To Understand

Overall, all of the reasonings seemed easy to understand but if I had to pick the most difficult out of the list, I would choose reasoning by criteria. I found this reasoning to be the most difficult to understand, even though I just established that all of them seemed easy to understand, because the link on the professor's website was a little vague. I only understood it after I read examples from the link given. I guess I found it more difficult to understand out of the list because its title seemed the most vague. Everything else seemed straightforward. By establishing legitimate reasoning through criteria, it will help to make logical decisions based on this criteria. It is something that I had to read a couple of times in order to properly understand it but other than this one type of reasoning, everything else seemed straightforward and easy to comprehend. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that all of the types of reasoning are kid of easy to understand. Reasoning by criteria was definitely one of the harder ones to understand right away. I agree that the link to the page on reasoning by criteria was vague. I also agree that I understood it after the examples. Reading the definition and stuff wasn't as helpful. After the examples, I understood reasoning by criteria pretty quickly. Reasoning by criteria is just basing off a conclusion on criteria. Criteria meaning, certain premises that a person falls under. Like categories that a person would meet. Good job on explaining why inductive reasoning was the one you has most trouble with.
