Thursday, November 11, 2010

Interesting From Chapter 12

Judging Analogies caught my attention, especially the examples from the chapter. The example of outlawing gay marriage because it goes against the traditional acceptance of a marriage between a man and a woman was followed by the analogy of making divorce against the law because this also goes against the sanctity of marriage. Because the first analogy was presented, it was refuted by another analogy that implemented the same type of reasoning about marriage and what it stands for. Sure, marriage is traditionally accepted between a man and a woman but divorce is also against the idea. So why should gay marriage be considered illegal but divorce legal? Gay marriage calls for the same equal rights of a traditional marriage and it is primarily based on love between two people, yet it is not entirely accepted in society? Divorce is against the sanctity of marriage. It seems hypocritical to condemn something based on love and accept something that makes marriage seem like something that's easy to get out of. These two analogies are good ones because they are both based on the same idea. If this is wrong, then this must be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Hello NDSJ91,

    I found your post about using analogy to reason in an argument quite interesting and informative. You are right this is a good analogy to use in an argument concerning the constitution of a traditional marriage versus same sex marriage. I had not heard about the analogy between same sex marriage and divorce in a "traditional" marriage. This makes for a very good argument since people, especially in religious cultures, always say that a man marrying a woman is the only right kind of marriage yet more the fifty percent of "traditional" marriages end in a divorce which is completely the opposite of what a true and loving marriage should be. I don't think that same sex marriage can be argued for solely on this reason because homosexuals will still be allowed to be divorced but I do agree that this is another reason for why banning gay marriage is unconstitutional and is hypocritical under so many reasons.
